Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's early to forecast whether Greece default can end EURO.

Recent Sovereign debt crisis and recession in europian countries has led to murmurs of ending Euro. Greece as well as Spain, Ireland, Portugal are all on verge of facing a huge economical recession. Greece has been wrongly blamed for its financial crisis to become a reason to threaten Euro. Infact it has bared the underlying fragile EU's economic situation.
 Meanhile rumors has been around that Greece would be probably opt out of Euro and would find another cheap currency rather than devaluating currency more. But its partially true and it would be a good option for poor countries like Greece that have failed in international competitiveness. But that is not an issue for strong countries like France, Sweden, Germany etc. Will they not try to not break up the Euro? Surely Greece has loose budget policies and it might have led to an early revealing of financial crisis. The other countries might be also having big debt underneath them. In this situation it will be difficult to predict about Euro's future. It will depend upon economical and more political situations of the member countries of EU. Currently all countries of Europe are facing recession in more or less extent. Declining growth rate and increasing unemployment are problems in all countries. So it will depend upon nation's own policies whether to save Euro or save own economy. Infact the intention of establishing European Union was rather political and creating a strong competition against US economy. And when recession is affecting all over the world, and Euro's future depends upon how deep the recession goes and affects european economy, it will be early for now to forecast from a single country's defaulter.


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